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Healing the Inner Critic: Divine Feminine Workshop

Jana Carrey Creativity + Healing Present:

Healing the Inner Critic:
A Divine Feminine Workshop

Fall is a time for releasing what no longer serves us and allowing outdated patterns to fall away, like a tree releases her autumnal leaves.

As the days become shorter and the nights becomes longer, as we approach the cusp of Scorpio Season and Samhain, this is is the perfect time for embracing shadow work and learning how traversing your own personal underworld can help you reclaim more of your true divine feminine power.

Samhain/Halloween/Dia De Los Muertos opens the veils to the otherworld also known as the Spirit Realms, which enables us to tune into and work with our ancestors with more depth, consciousness and ease.

Healing the Inner Critic is a sacred 2.5 hour workshop taught by Jana and co-created with the unconditional love + Goddess wisdom of Persephone, Demeter and Hecate representing the Triple Goddess Archetypes of Maiden, Mother and Crone.

This event is part shadow-work workshop, part multidimensional journey, part ceremonial ritual, part quantum group healing session. It will serve as opportunity to learn more about and go deeper with the specific wisdom that each one of these Ancient Greek goddesses has to offer, in a way that is relevant to modern life in 2021 and timely to the current divine feminine cycle we find ourselves in.

During this event, you will be held in a powerfully protected divine feminine container + cauldron for doing lazer-focused ancestral healing work, especially connected to the traumatic wounds of patriarchy that you are still holding on behalf of your ancestral bloodline (ancestral karma + trauma) and your etheric bloodline (soul karma + past-life trauma)

Jana will guide you through a powerful and protected journey together into the underworld to learn from, tend to and release the shadow archetypes of the inner patriarch/oppressor, inner victim/ martyr and inner misogynist - all archetypes that often get lumped together and contribute to what is commonly labeled the “inner critic,” but each archetype has something meaningful to teach as you look deeper into it’s critical / negative / shadowy appearance with presence and curiosity.

Moon & Stars: Cusp of Scorpio Season + approaching the Eve of Samhain

Where: Zoom Webinar

Energetic Exchange: $75

Additional key themes we will be exploring in this workshop is how our inner critic is connected to past life persecution, internalized misogyny and the wounds of patriarchy. We will also be tending to the Inner Critic and fear-based internal narratives connected to age, ageism, aging, time scarcity and living life only according to linear time (the patriarchal model many of us are now expanding beyond).

There will be 30 minutes at the end dedicated for personal sharing, Q + A and to receive direct intuitive guidance from Jana about how these teachings directly impact your life.

You will walk away from this workshop with an awareness of more empowering Divine Feminine + Masculine Archetypes and an ability to embrace whatever “season” or cycle of life you currently find yourself in.

It is time to claim the power your very wise soul has been hiding away in the shadows.

Is this event right for me?

Witches, healers, shamans, midwives, herbalists, Priestesses/ Priests, Alchemists of Olde who suffered immense past life persecution, death, betrayal and trauma due to anchoring the light for the Goddess and the Divine Feminine (regardless of gender identification), this workshop was created as an offering of love and support FOR YOU!

The entire energetic matrix of this workshop was co-created by Jana + the Goddess(es) to support the miraculous healing of the collective feminine painbody + will likely feel like the answer to some of your deeper prayers.

Those newer to ancestral healing work as well as those who have done a significant amount of ancestral healing work are all welcome. In the latter case if you still feel that there are some lingering pieces to be tended to and unresolved karmic wounds that are holding you and/or your family of origin back, this event was designed for you.

This event will be a deep internal dive - it is happening during Scorpio Season after all - in order to provide profound a very comprehensive divine feminine group healing experience and has been designed to be very powerful and effective.

This workshop will be held in very emotionally safe, energetically protected, powerful and loving container. However, there is always an element of mystery and surrendering to the unknown when invoking divine feminine healing, especially during Scorpio season.

What is this Divine Feminine workshop all about?

Jana and the EL have created a beautiful and healing sacred ceremonial space to allow you to embrace more empowering internal narratives and divine feminine + divine masculine archetypes in your life. When you join this multidimensional workshop focused on healing the inner critic, you will receive:

  • An energetically protected + grounded multidimensional journey to a sacred divine feminine temple space within your own personal Underworld (connected to the Divine Feminine underworld) overlighted by Goddesses Persephone, Demeter and Hecate

  • 5D Divine Feminine Wisdom teachings that help you to feel more comfortable navigating your own personal underworld and well as to embrace the power you maybe hiding in the shadows due to fear of persecution and past-life trauma

  • Quantum Energy Healing, cleansing & integration for your body, chakras & energy field for clearing ancestral trauma + release what is not serving you especially in regards to the negative and toxic internal “voices” and archetypes mentioned above

  • Immersion in beautiful divine feminine (often balanced with sacred masculine) energy to heal & nourish your exhausted body, heart, mind and soul

  • Clear guidance from sacred multidimensional guides + guardians such as the EL, goddesses, gods, archangels, ascended masters, elementals and more! This workshop is being overlighted by the Triple Goddess Trio of Hecate, Demeter and Persephone

  • A safe, compassionate, therapeutic sanctuary space to release pent up or repressed emotions, energetic blocks and limiting beliefs and in a very emotionally safe and highly energetically + spiritually protected space.

  • Experiential shadow-work exercises, writing + take away Homeplay tools

  • There will be 30 minutes at the end dedicated for personal sharing and direct feedback / Q + A and channeled guidance about how these teachings directly impact your life from Jana

If you have received a private 1:1 channeled session with Jana her classes, workshops and gatherings are similarly powerful and healing! Just as those sessions are channeled to uniquely serve what is in a clients highest good, this workshop will be channeled to uniquely serve the energetics of the group - both those who attend live and after the fact.

Depending on your level of sensitivity, you may experience energetic sensations or tingles, receive flashes of light or color, feel energies shifting in your body, release repressed emotions or even get tired and fall asleep. (It is ok to fall asleep during these events - your subconscious mind and Soul are still listening and sometimes sleeping is the best way to receive the energy).

Kind Words:

  • “I cannot pass the opportunity to mention the very sacred monthly space that Jana + EL hold at the New Moon for New Earth gatherings. I have been attending since the Summer of 2020 and each month is as special as the next. We have met guides, healed old patterns, cared for our wounds, cleared and reactivated our chakras, traveled to temples I have only heard of in stories... To be able to gather in community, set intentions to co-create a new earth, and go on multidimensional travels together is a powerful way to bring in each month. The NMNE gathering has become the temple I come to to start off every month and moon cycle with. These monthly events allow such a beautiful opportunity to experience the work if you're curious about working with Jana + EL in a 1-1 capacity. I would definitely recommend joining us!”

    - Katie S, Founder of Horse Talks, FEEL Facilitator, and a forever student of the horses.

  • I was feeling uninspired in the early part of February. Full of good ideas for the direction on a new piece of writing, but finding the execution to be a challenge. I had a distinct feeling of bumping up against a creative ceiling, and as we headed towards the new moon in Aquarius in mid-February, I made a conscious decision to clear any hampering energies. Jana’s Alchemy of Pleasure workshop felt like divine timing. I shared with the group that I was hoping to experience untapped, boundless creativity in the development of a new personal essay. Jana voiced my intention to the guides who were present for the ceremony and I subsequently fell into a deep theta state. The next day, something in me had shifted. I’ve seen so much change in the week since our playshop. Every morning I began to awake naturally at 5am, when the house was quiet, and would channel my writing as if guided. This continued for the next four days, my fingers barely lifting themselves from the keyboard. By end of week, not only did I have an essay draft to share with publishers, but it was some of the best writing of my career. Writing that captured the authenticity of a painful experience, the warrior-like feminine strength of its central characters on display. I have no doubt that Aphrodite, Isis and others played a part in bringing this story to life. In true 5th dimensional fashion, it seemed as though I’d asked and I’d received. It was a blessing. Thank you Jana, it is always a pleasure to journey with you.” - Jessica F., Writer + Photographer

  • “Last night’s ceremony felt so so special to me, truly like a going home and something I’ve been longing for my whole life. I felt such a strong remembrance that my heart is a gateway to those dimensions and energies and it did feel like each thing was exactly what I needed, down to wanting a hug from Mother Mary before we left the Pleiades ;) This morning I woke up with the sunrise (which is very rare for me!) and just soaked in the beauty of it, something in me feels fundamentally body feels a lot lighter and I feel more at home in general after this event. It felt like a big piece of healing around the headaches I get too and all the emotion there. And lots of things just started “clicking” and coming together afterwards too! Feeling very activated and enjoying the lingering sweetness of it all. So much gratitude for you for leading us and the lifetimes of leadership that allow you to hold space in that way! Much love” - Lizzy McCahan, Massage Therapist + Healer

About Jana, your Hostess for the New Moon for New Earth Gatherings:

Jana is a lightworker, a master intuitive healer, arcane wisdom keeper, a divine feminine oracular teacher and a multidimensional mentor + guide. Her work is a unique blend of intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, depth psychology and spiritual mentorship.

She is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening and remembrance began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and twin flame, Chris, to terminal bone cancer. 

October 6

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Fairy Realms

November 5

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Rose Priestess Temple