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New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Isis Stargate Temple

Jana Carrey Healing Presents:

Journey to the Goddess Isis Stargate Temple

Uncover the myths and mysteries of Goddess Isis from your own home!

During this recorded ceremony, you will experience 5D wisdom teachings + a guided multidimensional journey to a Goddess Isis Stargate temple space in ancient Egypt.

Goddess Isis, also known as Au-Set and She of 1,000 Names, is a beloved Divine Feminine Ascended Master who emanates from the primordial cosmic mother.

You will mentor directly with Goddess Isis, as channeled by a professional intuitive, about 5D worthiness and self-respect.

Learn how to safely embody your solar feminine power, which will help you take inspired action in an energy-enhancing way.

Put an end to toxic comparison and low-self worth for good!

How the multidimensional journeys work:

As you listen, your physical body remains relaxed in this dimension while I lovingly steward your consciousness into a deeper brainwave state – usually between the theta and delta frequencies. This state is optimal for reprogramming the subconscious mind, as well as for profound healing and restoration.

This journey is similar to a guided meditation or yoga nidra, only it is much more transformative. After each peaceful journey, you will feel that your consciousness has advanced by leaps and bounds!

In this particular journey to the Isis Stargate temple, you will have the opportunity to practice multidimensional travel with your merkaba lightbody in a safe and playful way!

Receive anti-aging, rejuvenation codes and physical ascension support from Serapis Bey. This journey concludes with a powerful mother healing and blessing from Goddess Isis.

Due to the quantum nature of this event, the recording is just as powerful as the live event was. According to the principles of divine timing, your soul will receive exactly what you need, when you are ready for it.

When you purchase this recording, you will receive:

  • Quantum energy healing to activate and expand key energy centers, including chakras that only exist in 5D: the sacral plexus and Earth star chakras

  • 5D wisdom teachings to initiate you into total self-worth and activate your solar feminine power

  • Channeled energetic transmissions that help you manage your energy and upgrade your consciousness

  • Empowering guidance from loving Soul Guides, guardians and Ascended Masters from ancient Egypt and Atlantis, including Goddess Isis and Serapis Bey

  • A therapeutic space to help you relax your nervous system, nourish your body, release repressed emotions and be deeply restored in your own home

  • Guidance as you set intentions with this sacred community of lightworkers at the start of the recordings

  • Additional insights from the Q+A portion of these recorded events - other people’s questions often support your growth journey too!

You will receive everything the live group participants had access to except for the option to join the classes in real-time and ask live questions.

Kind Words

"Thank you so much! Such beautiful frequencies!! Deeply healing and nourishing!" - Rebecca

"Thank you for your magick and facilitating last night’s new moon meditation! I still fell the deep nourishment of Aphrodite and her team (and really all week)! I can energetically feel it in my solar plexus/heart area. It was a beautiful experience and in some points throughout the meditation, I was consciously aware of the quantum journey we were going through. It was PERFECT to the T! The new moon gathering definitely allowed me to feel all the nourishment I’ve been craving. Thank you." - Ireland G.

"Thanks for facilitating the new moon gathering Jana, I am enjoying these. I am appreciating these new moon journeys and look forward to more of them!" - Amy D.

"I loved how Orisha Yemaya showed up on my behalf! I didn’t even know I had an orisha supporting me. Mind blown! Shook! I received so much love and nourishment, the next day my cup was so full, I felt so good and light as a feather! Everything was perfect and wonderful. Thank you" - Misha J.

"I wanted to let you know how much I was touched by last's New Moon for New Earth gathering. I woke up today feeling really happy, light, inspired and in this upleveled space and new energy. The energy of your gathering went really deep. It was next level. I am excited to go back and listen to it again, because I was in and out of consciousness during it - which I know was perfect and exactly what needed to happen. It felt like a really deep experience and so I am very grateful for that. Thank you so much. I also wanted to share this beautiful synchronicity. When you brought in the Goddess Oshun, I remembered a song that we sang in the choir to her. Ide Were Were. It was a song her devotees would sing to her while dancing in reverence and in her honor. When I turned on Pandora this morning it was the first song that played and I had NEVER heard that song on Pandora before. Of course!!! That felt really sweet because the song, feels like it holds the energy from last night new moon gathering. I am so grateful for everything you bring through for me and for us all. I look forward to our next gathering and the next time we meet in sacred sesion" - Lizzy M.

About Jana, your Host for the New Moon for New Earth Gatherings:

Jana is a master intuitive healer, arcane wisdom keeper and a divine feminine emissary of light. Her work is a unique blend of intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, depth psychology and spiritual mentorship.

She is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and twin flame, Chris, to terminal bone cancer. 

July 19

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Aphrodite Temple

September 18

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Mystical Isle of Avalon