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New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Mystical Isle of Avalon

Jana Carrey Healing Presents:

Journey to the Avalon Priestess Temple Healing Ceremony

During this recorded ceremony, you will experience a guided multidimensional journey to a sacred Avalon Priestess temple.

Avalon is a powerful and magical Earth vortex that has been recognized by priestesses and druids across space and time. Avalon’s rich mythic past is connected to the Arthurian legends, interwoven with Celtic, Gaelic, British and Norse mythology. The modern day Glastonbury Tor (UK), along with the surrounding Somerset marshes, are believed to be the epicenter of the mystical isle of Avalon.

Receive timeless wisdom + quantum cellular upgrades from Ascended Master Merlin, St. Germaine, High Priestess Morgan Le Faye (the Lady of the Lake) and the Avalon Priestesses, as channeled by a professional intuitive.

This ceremony also includes heart + third eye chakra activations. The heart and the third eye are the “eyes of the soul” and when they are cleared and healed, you are able to see yourself and all of life with more clarity and from the highest, most loving, perspective. These activations also support you with:

  • Enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities

  • Clear patterns of of internalizing other people’s projections as truth, to perceive yourself more clearly, as the sovereign being you are

  • Healing the inner child wound in your heart to remember your true magical nature as a multidimensional being living in an elemental body

  • Strengthen your ability to connect with the Faye + the elemental beings of magick

  • And more…

Due to the quantum nature of this event, the recording is just as powerful as the live event was. According to the principles of divine timing, your soul will receive exactly what you need, when you are ready for it

Go beyond the veil and tap into the mysteries of ancient Avalon!

Energetic Exchange: $44

When you purchase this recording, you will receive:

  • Quantum energy healing to help you to heal the “witch-wound” and release past-life persecution and deep shame around practicing magick - this will support you in reclaiming your gifts as the ancient sage, witch, priestess, druid, healer, wise one you truly are!

  • Divine feminine wisdom teachings to empower your natural connection to the elementals and Earth Magick, that you honed and mastered in past-parallel lifetimes

  • Channeled energetic activations for your heart and third eye chakras

  • Empowering guidance from loving Soul Guides, Ancient Guardians and Ascended Masters, including Ascended Master Merlin, Morgan Le Faye and the Avalon Priestesses

  • A therapeutic space to help you relax your nervous system, nourish your body, release repressed emotions and be deeply restored in your own home

  • Guidance as you uplevel your intention setting practice with this sacred community of lightworkers at the start of the recording

  • Connect to elemental and angelic guides - including dragon and unicorn guides - to participate in an empowering practice of global lightwork to assist in healing the Earth, toward the end of the recording

  • Additional insights from the Q+A portion of these recorded events - other people’s questions often support your growth journey too

You will receive everything the live group participants had access to except for the option to join the classes in real-time and ask live questions.

About Jana, your Host for the New Moon for New Earth Gathering:

Jana is a master intuitive healer, arcane wisdom keeper and a divine feminine emissary of light. Her work is a unique blend of intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, depth psychology and spiritual mentorship.

She is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and twin flame, Chris, to terminal bone cancer. 

August 18

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Isis Stargate Temple

September 21

New Class on Intuitive Channeling!