Ascension 101: Practical support for your Awakening & Ascension Process

What is Ascension? What Is awakening?

Awakening and Ascension go hand in hand. There are many levels of awakening within the Ascension journey. We have likely already had lifetimes where we lived on Planet Earth (such as Ancient Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis) or other Star Systems (such as Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades) as awake, aware and fully conscious beings. The truth is that many of us were already born as spiritually awake beings, then we were conditioned by our families / societies and we metaphorically “fell back asleep” partially or fully. This was always part of the larger divine plan for humanity and for the Earth.

We are awakening to the truth of our divine nature, essentially that we are God / Goddess / Source dressed up in human form. As we awaken, we help to shift the consciousness of the entire planet, making it easier for all of humanity to eventually “wake up.” This is a huge, cosmic undertaking of which your own individual journey matters deeply. Of course, we go through various levels and layers of awakening to greater cosmic truths about our divine origin, that we then need to then integrate and embody, both within this life and throughout all our lifetimes.

It is truly a very exciting time on Planet Earth, and whether we remember it or not, many of us as advanced souls were very eager to be here NOW on Planet Earth to be a part of this very exciting time of planetary change. All of Planet Earth is ascending and everybody is making this journey on their own time, not all will ascend during this physical lifetime and that is ok. Part of the reason so many beautiful Souls are dying and crossing over right now during the pandemic is to assist their loved ones on their Ascension journey’s from beyond physical form. At the same time, we are seeing a baby boom with many pregnant women as many new souls are reincarnating to assist the Ascension journey from within physical form.

Much of what looks like the world is falling apart is actually Ascension. What may look like the Apocalypse or Armageddon to a dying ego, is in fact Ascension to an awakening Soul. Everything that existed as part of the old paradigm and 3D ways of life, based on the myth of separation from Source and polarity consciousness, all the systems that upheld scarcity consciousness, fear, greed, racism, slavery (any form including debt and financial slavery), abuse, wars, human trafficking, environmental destruction, etc. are breaking down. What we are seeing crumbling before our eyes is a healing crisis en mass.

This is a death and rebirth process. The old needs to fall away to make space for the new, so that we can all exist and co-create a 5D world together, based on unity consciousness and connection/co-creation as and with Source, love, and the sacred union between the divine feminine and divine masculine- the two polarities that live within us all.

3D, 4D and 5D are not actual places but are vibratory states of consciousness.

It is important to note and to clear up many misunderstandings that we do not actually GO anywhere else when we Ascend. 4D is the transitional state or how long it takes to transition from 3D to and 5D Consciousness.  We do not magically get beamed up to a different planet or get taken aboard the mothership back to another star system. This is not about spiritual bypassing or transcending being human, this journey is about being Divine while in human form. You can live anywhere on Planet Earth and Ascend.

Ready to have your mind-blown? You can be fully ascended and living in 5D consciousness and be interacting with people in 3D, 4D, 5D or even higher states of consciousness.

Ascension is the greater journey of transitioning from living life in the third dimension/3D to living life in the fifth dimension/5D. The 3D is a much more dense, heavy vibratory state of consciousness than 5D, which is literally a lighter vibratory state of consciousness. The journey to 5D/unity consciousness is incredibly diverse and unique for us all, but there are many commonalities with the symptoms and experiences we can go through as we Ascend.

Reclaim your Sacred Feminine power to fulfill your soul’s mission.

This unique, in-depth mentorship with me and key Goddesses leads you into the next stage of your heroic life journey. Experience magical synchronicities and life-changing transformation as you learn to alchemize the holiness within your humanity and live as your light. Learn more about my signature 1:1 private Divine Feminine Mentorship program by clicking the button below.

Signs of Awakening + Ascension Symptoms

The signs of awakening and symptoms of ascension can be bewilderingly beautiful at best and incredibly intense and painful at worst. Here are a list of 5 (from a - e) signs and symptoms of ascension that I have experienced personally or witnessed in clients, friends and community. Know that you may be experiencing things beyond this list as well too:

a) Increased Sensitivity + Synchronicity. As you awaken and ascend your sensitivities get very heightened. Some of this is very exciting, as you start to see and become aware of brighter colors, lights, repeating number patterns and ascension sequences like 1111, 222, 333, 123, 456. The signs and synchronicities of awakening are everywhere! This is part of how your Higher Self and Source consciousness is communicating with you. Enhanced intuition, psychic gifts and becoming aware of Spirit Guides and Multidimensional Mentors like Angels, Ascended Masters and Ancestors are all incredible parts of the awakening journey. Yet some of the enhanced sensitivities can feel very challenging to manage especially when navigating an external reality that is still very much 3D.  You may notice you become more sensitive to technology and electronics, EMF frequencies, processed foods, loud noises, stimulants like alcohol, tobacco or coffee, movies or tv shows with violence, the news, harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances and scents, etc. The sensitivities can also make you aware of places, spaces, people and activities that no longer feel good or supportive. Although enhanced sensitivity can feel like navigating a terminal illness at times (trust me I KNOW), it is actually a beautiful thing, you are becoming aware of all the parts of the 3D matrix that are toxic and not life supporting. You are literally being the change. The increased sensitivity can feel like a mixed blessing, sometimes a curse and sometimes a gift, until you reach a place of having anchored enough light where you know your sensitives as the superpowers they truly are.

b) feel sick & unwell with many rotating or changing symptoms including waves of heat or the chills, bodily shakes, headaches, heart palpitations, weird neurological symptoms, aches and pains, lymph swelling or edema, bloating and gas or weird patterns in your elimination. It may feel like you have the flu, what I like to call Ascension or Kundalini Flu. Your body is essentially in a deep process of detoxing out 3-D viral programming, old paradigm social conditioning, outdated belief systems, ancestral karma, etc. to make space for embodying the light of your Higher Self / Soul 5-D. So, if you are not feeling well but you tested negative for COVID-19 or your symptoms do not match the COVID-19 profile, it is likely Ascension or Kundalini flu. For some detoxing out old 3-D viral programming will mean contracting and healing from COVID-19.

If you have sought medical care with no explanation for what is going on with you, it is very likely Ascension symptoms.

c) feel incredibly emotional - like you are on an emotional rollercoaster or being tossed about in an ocean of emotions - perhaps joyous and blissed out one moment and then feeling despair and hopeless the next - what I like to call Ascension Bipolar as your brain is learning to balance the polarities of the left and right hemisphere of your brain. The emotional rollercoaster may also look like the “trigger train” where your life may feel like a minefield of “trigger bombs” which although uncomfortable are rapid fire ways of clearing 3-D programming, like in b) above. You may also experience periods of what I call “dark night of the soul” where you feel heavy, empty, confused, depressed, suicidal, void, like you are actually dying or that you are in a space where nothing makes sense anymore. Please know that this is a necessary part of the egoic death to allow more of your Soul’s light to inhabit your body. It is not always easy, but you will be ok. You are so powerful and strong. (If you are feeling suicidal or in a space where you are considering harming yourself or others, please reach out for professional support. If you live in the USA and speak English or Spanish, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 for 24/7 FREE support).

d) Your energy levels and sleep patterns may go through big shifts and wildly vacillate, especially around big astrological energy times like solstices or the lions gate portal. You may spiral through periods of deep fatigue, periods of rushing almost manic energy, periods where you feel wired and tired at the same time, totally calm and mellow periods, periods where you are moving lots of kundalini/sexual energy and don't know what to do with it. Ascension can make your circadian / limbic systems go haywire especially at certain phases of the process, although in time it will even out.

e) Your eating patterns, body shape and body weight may also go through big shifts and wildly vacillate. You may gain or lose weight mysteriously frustrating ways, even without changing your exercise or eating habits. Sometimes your body needs to hold onto an extra 10-20 lbs. to help ground you during particularly intense periods of light body activations. Some of it maybe water and some of it may look like you are bigger, but you haven’t gained weight and that is when your body is expanding to literally become a cocoon or container “birthing body” as you rebirth yourself. For women, this birthinging body can manifest as looking pregnant, feeling pregnant, having pregnancy symptoms, skipping your period for many months in a row but not actually being physically pregnant (and not perhaps having had sex in months or years). All of these “energetic pregnancy” symptoms can actively happen as you rebirth yourself too, and this can happen many times throughout the Ascension journey. (For men or beings who identify as women but were not born with a physical womb, the re-birthing process will look and feel a bit different, as you have the spiritual second chakra “creative” technology but not a physical womb. Your body can still expand or gain/lose weight as you go through ascension). From a quantum energy perspective, Ascension requires us to hold more light in our cells and our bodies so over time you likely will eventually crave lighter foods or foods that are more filled with the Sun’s light like organic, fresh produce, while potentially losing your taste for heavy or dense foods like meat, dairy or processed foods. Although in the process of cleaning up your diet, you may go through very weird and bizarre cravings as old emotional patterns come up to heal and please use your intuition about what cravings to follow and what are better off abstaining from.

You will likely experience a bizarre (to the mind) combo platter of some or all of the symptoms mentioned above.

want to go deeper?

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Divine Feminine Mentorship Program.

To support your ascension journey and embody your sacred feminine power, mentor with me — and with key Goddesses who are here to help you evolve.

This unique, in-depth mentorship leads you into the next stage of your heroic life journey. Clear away trauma from childhood, past lives and ancestral lineages for good. Our monthly sessions will include therapy for the soul, dedicated chakra clearings and activations, guided multidimensional journeys, Goddess transmissions, customized rituals and more.

Experience magical synchronicities and life-changing transformation as you learn to alchemize the holiness within your humanity and live as your light.

Jana Carrey is a Master Intuitive Healer, an Arcane Wisdom Keeper and a Divine Feminine Emissary. Jana is the Founder of Jana Carrey Creativity + Healing: Ancient Alchemy for Modern Beings® which fuses together a unique combination of channeled intuitive guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy & spiritual mentorship. You can learn more about working with her at, Instagram & Facebook: @janacarreyhealing.

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Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.

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