Weathering life's storms: New Moon in Sagittarius Energy Update

This most recent Scorpio eclipse season was an intense death + rebirth portal for many and it's just now come to a close, as we move into the Sun Sign of Sagittarius on 11/22/22, the final astrological turn of the wheel for 2022.

As I've said many times before, “eclipses are wormholes of consciousness evolution allowing for individuals and collectives to make quantum leaps in healing, awakening growth and ascension” - but no one said quantum leaping or going through wormholes was a gentle ride! That's rarely - if never - the case.

So if you feel as if a gnarly storm just blew through your life, flipping you inside out, upside down and all around - then you are not alone.

You may still be dusting yourself off and trying to make sense of all the abrupt changes that this eclipse season brought into your life.

It's likely you've been asked to let go of people, places, things, identities or patterns that no longer serve you. And letting go isn't something most of us are taught to do, so please be gentle with yourself if this does not come naturally.

Personally, my experience of this most recent eclipse season - whether viewed as a storm or as a ride through the a wild wormhole of a re-birth canal - was rather intense. I’ve needed a lot of downtime, rest and time in meditative silence to re-calibrate these new energetic shifts. However, on the other side, I am finding myself exploring a new elevated state of consciousness - with a new lightness of being, having reclaimed even more of my power, with greater trust in life and gratitude for the journey.

You likely can feel the energy is shifting now that we are entering fiery Sagittarius season. During this New Moon in Sagittarius portal, from 11/23 - 11/24/22, happening on the eve of the Thanksgiving holidays here in the USA, please set aside a little time to set your intentions for this next lunation (moon cycle) and for the rest of the year.

This most recent eclipse season likely cleared away a lot of debris in your field, creating space so that the intentions you set now will be amplified with power and focus. Just like the archer’s bow, so sagittarius! You can set as many or as few intentions as you would like, but I generally recommend setting an intention for yourself, for your community/family and for humanity/the world at large.

As we are also now in the season of gratitude, I encourage you to create intentions that weave in an acknowledgement of authentic gratitude for yourself, for your family/chosen family, humanity and for the world at large. A good rule of thumb is for every intention you set, also find one thing to be grateful for. Adding gratitude alongside your intention setting ritual, will serve to amplify the blessings, goodwill, and magick of your new moon intention setting practice. Balancing desires and future intentions with gratitude for everything you already have NOW will also help to keep you more grounded and balanced.

Moving forward beyond this new moon, it’s important to remember that the ascension spiral keeps on turning and the simple truth is this: there will always be more storms, perhaps even before the year is complete. This is not something to fear. Storms are an essential part of life - both in nature and in the cosmic sense- that provide great cleansing and clean-up, in a rather efficient way.

The storms don't or won’t necessarily get easier, however, we get more masterful at handling them with grace.

As you embody and remember the truth that everything in life is always here to help you, you realize there are gifts in the storms. And you don't even have to like the storms to receive the gifts! Also, know that sometimes it just takes a little time, perspective or professional support to see the gifts within life’s storms.

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude through a daily gratitude practice will help you to find the gifts in the storm with that much more ease. I’m not talking about faking or forcing gratitude about things you genuinely dislike, but I playfully encourage and challenge you to find 3 - 5 things a day to be grateful for about yourself (which cultivates self-worth over time) and 3 -5 things a day to be grateful for about your life (which cultivates greater happiness and trust over time).

However, there will be times when your journey feels extra dark, scary, painful, lonely or confusing. During those times it can be SO hard to practice gratitude and to feel the unconditional love of the Universe. These are the times to seek external support from books, teachers, professional healers + therapists, friends + community to help you remember that the Universe (aka life, divinity, god/goddess, spirit) is always holding you, supporting you, helping you and cheering you on.

Rest assured, that everything I have created and will create as part of Jana Carrey Healing 5.0 is a lighthouse here to guide you through life's inevitable storms back into a safe harbor of healing and love, that is always available to you, within you, as you.

New in the Shop!

Channeling is a tool to connect to your Higher Self.

The Essence of Channeling is a two-part workshop that was designed to meet you where you are at right now:

  • Your old spiritual and manifestation tools have stopped working. You are craving new tools that can support the awakening person you are now!

  • You find yourself at a crossroads or transition in your life, perhaps feeling lost and confused about what your next steps are and wishing you had a clearer connection to your inner wisdom

  • You want powerful practices to better navigate through these intense and bewildering times in a way where you stay aligned with your Soul and focused on your own life's journey + lessons. And much more…

    This workshop will help you awaken your inner mystic and tap into your infinite power!

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Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.

The Pursuit of the Dream Heals You


Slowing down is how you ground.