Super Harvest Moon in Aries Energy Update

Super Harvest Moon in Aries Energy Update

Themes: Feeling Vs Knowing, Inner Authority, You Are the Oracle, Trust Yourself, Entering a New Age of Miracles

Friday’s 9/29 Harvest Moon is perhaps one of the most potent moons of 2023 and has a deeply transformative energy which will be experienced by everyone a little (or a lot) bit differently depending on where you are at in your personal evolution, healing, awakening journey.

Jokers wild! And we mean this in the best way possible!!!

In the card game of life, the universe is the most miraculous dealer of all. She always has an ace up her sleeve, and things that previously seemed impossible, stuck or stagnant can shift instantaneously with her grace. 

What previously seemed impossible made possible in real life is a “miracle” and we are entering (and co-creating) a new golden age of miracles.

Thankfully, miracles are not a product of how much we know versus don’t know. They are also not something we can control. They are an experience of grace that we are invited to witness, to perceive and to feel. 

Miracles are happening all the time … it’s truly a matter of seeing life from the highest perspective (Soul) vs lowest perspective (Ego).

In the New Paradigm, we are invited to trust what we feel and what we perceive. This means learning to trust the Inner Authority of your own felt lived experience, which leads to the cultivation of embodied wisdom.

The Old Paradigm was often an exercise in knowing. The illusion was the more you knew or more information you gathered - the safer your mind-ego-conditioning felt.

In this old game of knowing, on one end of the polarity spectrum you have the insecure, more empathic mind-ego often never feels it knows enough and likely gives its’ power away to those outside itself it with the false belief that everyone else secretly knows more than it does. Then on the other end of the polarity spectrum you have the narcissistic mind-ego which arrogantly and dangerously thinks it is an omnipotent GOD and assumes it knows all.

No matter what egoic polarity we were born identifying more with, we are all waking up out of the illusion of ego into the zero-point awareness of the Soul.

You will reach a point in your path - likely now if you are reading this message or soon up ahead - where life will ask you to let go of much of what you know to be true (mind-mental body) and to instead learn to trust what you feel (heart-emotional body) and what you perceive as your conscious awareness.

So on this powerful full moon - and every day moving forward - may you always remember you are your own # 1 Oracle, your # 1 Guide, your # 1 Authority. However you are feeling is exactly how you are meant to be experiencing this moon and exactly how you are meant to be experiencing your life.

With love and gratitude,


PS. This is a teaching I will be going into in more depth in upcoming posts, workshops and classes, so make sure you are subscribed to my energetically encoded newsletter here or down below.

Fall Full Moon Flash Sale is happening now!

Use the code HARVESTMOON for 50% off anything in the shop +

for 20% off any 1:1 private healing session.

5 days only. Sale ends 10/1/23.

Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.

You are not the problem. 


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