The New Paradigm of Feminine Leadership

As I sit on the sacred threshold of a new chapter in my life -  making a complete recovery from long COVID, beginning a new 7 year cycle, preparing to leave Santa Monica (Los Angeles) and move to a new, nourishing home in North County San Diego - it feels like the right time for a more personal, intimate sharing.

Over the past few years (and likely lifetimes), I’ve been going through some radical shifts in unlearning and dismantling.

I’ve been installing new operating systems and creating new pathways that allow me to live and create from a place of deeper nourishment and restoration, rather then from unhealthy cycles of overdoing and burn out.

Part of this growth process has been coming to terms with some deeply unhealthy patriarchal conditioning - namely an addiction to overworking. 

Workaholism and overworking are their own forms of suffering, yet it’s a pattern and operating system that is often celebrated and lauded in Western, late-stage capitalist society.

It’s been a deeply confronting process to release and grow beyond these fear-based survival patterns. Some inherited, some imprinted - these patterns affected every aspect my life and even spilled into how I operated my healing business.

It’s meant facing, feeling and healing my way through uncomfortable feelings of depression, anger, resentment, grief and fear. 

Giving up unhealthy addictions - esp when a lot of the world around us is still bound up and run by these addictions - takes tremendous courage and inner strength. 

To acknowledge what isn’t working, to let go, to watch the old paradigms die within to make space for the new - takes maturity, devotion and patience. 

It is a day by day, moment by moment, step by step approach that asks us to be really present - even and especially when that feels challenging, vulnerable, uncomfortable, raw.

It takes slowing down and deep listening to the healthier currents of inner wisdom and love that lay beneath the surface and to truly discern those energies from the old, unhealthy (at times very seductive) ways. 

It takes a rekindling of imagination, vision and hope to believe in new ways of operating that are life-giving, regenerative and sourced in love. 

This is the new paradigm of feminine leadership.

This is sacred, transformative work and it’s deeply informing how I serve, what I teach and how I mentor. From this new place of aligned + embodied wisdom in which I reside, I've refined + restructured my offerings quite a bit.

This includes the creation of two NEW 1:1 private mentorship programs: 

The Whole + Holy Woman and The Nourished Woman. 

If you are sitting on the exciting threshold of your own transformation or are lost in the darkness + confusion of change and not sure how you are going to make it through to the other side - know that sacred mentorship is an invaluable resource of support. I say this as a woman who has been both a mentor and a mentee for many, many years and witnessed groundbreaking, miraculous transformation within myself and thousands of women.

I encourage you to learn about both programs and see which one speaks most deeply to your Soul (there is also more info directly below below). It's important to know that I work with women across the globe and both of these mentorships are available for new + existing clients alike. However, I only take on a few mentorship clients at a time as the containers I create for the women I serve are deep, highly alchemical and potent cauldrons of transformation.

I’m so excited, delighted and curious to see what will continue to be born + to blossom from this deep rich fertile soil I’ve been quietly cultivating planted with many seeds of intention, ceremony, love and the highest wisdom. I know it will serve the highest good of all who are called to work together.

The Nourished Woman Private Mentorship Program

FOR Women who are ready to break-up with the toxicity + Depletion of Hustle culture for good & Step into a whole New Paradigm of over-flowing vitality.

The Nourished Woman is a revolutionary private 1:1 mentorship program that supports ambitious, dynamic + deep women — who are also empathic, energetically sensitive + spiritually awake. This transformative mentorship experience interweaves quantum energy healing, masterful intuitive council, somatic support + embodiment practices with professional flower essence therapy so you can feel safe, strong and vibrantly alive in your body — as you were always meant to live.

You are WORTHY of releasing the the false narratives, the cultural conditioning, the familial imprints that keep you locked in cycles of imbalance and patterns of self-harm and scarcity, especially sneaky, subtle forms of self-harm like comparing yourself to others and negative self-talk.

You are WORTHY of living in a way that feels expansive and honors your Soul, your body and the unique way your energy wants to flow.

You are WORTHY and deserving of feeling fully nourished, radiant + grateful to be alive — with your cup overflowing.

Together, let’s have some fun as we help you learn and reclaim your right to a feel good life, in the most authentic, coherent, aligned and resonant way.

IF you want to feel fully nourished, radiant + grateful to be alive — with your cup overflowing — than The Nourished Woman Program is the right next step for you.

New and previous mentorship client are welcome to apply. 

The Whole + Holy Woman Private Mentorship Program

For the woman who knows It’s Time to come out of Hiding + STEP INTO THE NEXT LEVEL OF HER SOUl Work

The Whole + Holy Woman is a New Paradigm 1:1 private transformational mentorship program. Designed for pioneering + visionary women who desire to step into, elevate and expand their Soul-Work in the world in an authentic, abundant + joyous way.

With the priceless support of Jana’s wisdom and your sacred council of guardians + guides, you will make quantum leaps in your sense of self-worth and self-confidence by reclaiming the incomparable value you have to offer this world.

You will deepen into the ancient wisdom and embodied expression of your Soul’s blueprint. Enabling you to understand, to articulate and to celebrate the unique gifts you possess + share the multidimensional medicine you are here to offer this world. This will enable you to live, lead + to serve others from a place of greater power, freedom + wholeness - in a way that is tangible, visceral + successful.

This life-changing tranformational mentorship program offers four different foundational Journeys — each pathway, building upon the next. Enabling you to live and to serve others from a place of greater power, freedom + wholeness.

Feeling Both Nervous & Excited by Expanding into your next level of Mastery?

New and previous mentorship client are welcome to apply. 

About Jana

NEw Paradigm Teacher, Divine Feminine Mentor
& Master INTUITIVE Healer

“Jana is part psychic vision, part energy support, part compassionate counsel.”

I have a passion for guiding empaths, heroic healers, love leaders and lightworkers like you to remember your true multidimensional nature and weave yourself whole again.

As a New Paradigm Healer and Teacher, I serve as a Soul Mother - part Death Doula to your dying ego, part Mystical Midwife to your rebirthing soul. This allows you to live your life from higher states of consciousness, in a more embodied and down-to-earth way.

I firmly believe that everything in life is here to serve our highest evolution, from our darkest shadows and deepest wounds to our most profound moments of joy and bliss.

Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.

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